Sunday, November 20, 2022


Sunday Reflection: Truer than true


When my dad paints someone, he doesn't really paint all of them-- there are parts of them that kind of disappear into the whole. And yet... even without every detail played out, you can have a real sense of who that person is. In fact, it could be that this allows you to even better understand the person-- what my dad calls it being "truer than true." 

In our society, sometimes we seem to expect to know everything about someone-- that it should be online, that they should have every detail sketched out, and we don't trust them until we have that (if, even then, we do). There is probably a cost to that, part of it being that we don't ever get to what is truer than true about that person. 

Perfect can be the enemy of love-- or at least a distraction. (1 Corinthians 13).

And for some, that same instinct-- that everything has to be explained-- is the barrier to faith. If there is an unanswered question, it all falls apart. And at what cost! Because there, of all places, we need to look towards what is truer than true.

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