Sunday, October 09, 2022


Sunday Reflection: Old friends

 A strange thing happened this week. President Biden granted some pardons for those convicted of marijuana possession (usually a misdemeanor or less) and some media people called me to help explain. One of them was PBS NewsHour, a show I like, and who I have talked to before. Here is the clip:

The weird thing about this one was how many people saw it! I heard from friends from childhood, people from college, many of my students at Baylor and people from here in Minnesota that they had seen it-- which gave me a chance to catch up with many of them.

So many people enter (and sometimes leave) our lives, and in their own way I think that each one changes us some little bit or more. For some of those who reached out-- like Hulitt Gloer-- the truth is that they changed my life in a big and positive way.  

In Luke 17, Jesus heals 10 people of leprosy, and only one comes back to thank him. Too often in my life, I have been one of those other nine; I have failed to recognize and honor those who have been so good to me. I hope to do better at that. This was a good chance to start that process.

Mark, from the vantage point of knowing you for many years, I am not surprised that lots of people reached out to you the other night about your NewsHour interview. I was one of them. You have a great capacity for friendship and a great capacity for cultivating connections with fascinating people. You are engaged in good and important work. Through the Razor, your books, and your frequent editorials you educate and inspire the many of us that have a connection with you … even at a great distance. This may run contrary to your internal accounting; however, I view you as the one that would make every effort to come back and say thank you. I have always admired you appreciation … and frequent celebration … of the important people in your life. Your “heroes,” as you often say. And it is good ...
I saw your NewsHour story and was so happy that media reached out to you. Your expertise in this area should make you a go-to source on stories like this. I'm glad that the news media are seeing this.

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