Sunday, October 30, 2022


Sunday Reflection: The Loss of a Church


Late in the day yesterday, as I was biking home after going to the Minnesota-Rutgers game (because that is how you get home from a game in Minnesota) I came across the sign above in front of a church not too far from my home. I was intrigued by the part of the sign that said "Pastor _______" I thought that was an intriguing twist, and I thought it might be related to the yellow note on the sign next to the sailing cross.

And it was, in a way. The church is slated for demolition. It's a beautiful space, too:

What happened to this church, built in 1950?

Online, other than a few stories noting that it would be demolished for a housing or "mixed-use" development. What surprised me was I didn't find: any kind of obituary for the church, explaining a cause of death. 

And that may be the saddest thing of all-- no one was left, or willing, to even explain what went wrong or how this elegant church, where people gathered for decades, ended up abandoned and-- soon-- demolished. Those are the saddest deaths, aren't they?

Is that really the church interior pictured above? If so, what an amazing space. And so easy to repurpose into a community space for the development. Developers really can be short sited in their design process. Very sad.
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