Monday, August 01, 2022


In the kitchen with haiku

 Zowie! There were great entries this week on the topic of kitchen implements, including some anonymous ones (poets, not the implements).

Welcome back Spanish Medievalist, and thank you for this:

Wooden cutting block,
Unequal among all tools,
Knives bounce off of you.

Gavin returned, as well (and I do the same thing):

Chrome tongs call to me.
I just can’t resist. Click! Click!
Pure dad-isfaction!

My Dad wrote about my Mom:

I have this woman
who implements all my meals
she's my favorite

And Jill Scoggins wrote about an heirloom:

My rolling pin has
earned its rest. Hand-carved by my
Great-Grampa Smith, it

was made with skill for
Great-Grandma Smith who crafted
countless pies and loaves

of homemade bread well
into the days when store-bought
was available.

“Ach!” I hear her thick
German accent. “No store bread
in our house, never!”

Retired, it holds place
of pride, my reminder of
their artisanship.

While we had not just one anon:

Some days I need a
Burst of flavor for the dish.
Hello, microplane!

But two!:

Meet KitchenHammer
Destroyer of the false Gods
And also, meatloaf.

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