Friday, July 29, 2022


Haiku Friday: In the Kitchen


Behold, the "Chef's Torch," which is apparently used to blast flame directly onto your food! It sounds super-fun, but I'd be too prone to using it for unapproved purposes.

The kitchen is full of fascinating things. For example, I have a favorite knife, a santuko, that I am quite loyal to. Other knives sit ignored while I reach for the same one over and over. 

Let's haiku about kitchen implements this week-- or anything you find in or near the kitchen. Here, I will go first:

King of spatulas
Your silver plane cuts through all
May you never die.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun.

Some days I need a
Burst of flavor for the dish.
Hello, microplane!
Meet KitchenHammer
Destroyer of the false Gods
And also, meatloaf.
Wooden cutting block,
Unequal among all tools,
Knives bounce off of you.
I wrote the haiku about the cutting board—the Spanish Medievalist
I have this woman
who implements all my meals
she's my favorite
Chrome tongs call to me.
I just can’t resist. Click! Click!
Pure dad-isfaction!

(I may be too late but thought I'd add this anyway)

My rolling pin has
earned its rest. Hand-carved by my
Great-Grampa Smith, it

was made with skill for
Great-Grandma Smith who crafted
countless pies and loaves

of homemade bread well
into the days when store-bought
was available.

“Ach!” I hear her thick
German accent. “No store bread
in our house, never!”

Retired, it holds place
of pride, my reminder of
their artisanship.

Black cast iron pan
Substantial and versatile
Please don't use steel wool!
My waffle iron
some grease on the outside
clean and fast inside!
Goofy Christmas gift
To Parents -- Wow! Got my own
Chrome Turkey Lifters

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