Friday, April 15, 2022


Haiku Friday: Bees!


Where I live, there are different kinds of bees. Tiny ones, frantic, zipping from here to there. Normal ones, traveling in groups, descending on one shrub before moving on to another. And then, my favorites: the giant fuzzy bees that come in late summer, feasting in the backyard.
We depend on bees. Let's haiku about them this week. Here, I will go first:
Fuzzy buzzy friends
I look for your flight patterns
Many mysteries....
Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun!

"Buzzin of the bees
in the honeysuckle trees"
those were simpler times
Son says,” I want bees”
Mom says, “You must join 4H”
Now we’re bee keepers!
Natural workers,
Buzzing in the holly buds,
April in Waco.
The Carpenter Bees
After pollinating blooms
Drill holes in our eaves
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