Monday, March 07, 2022


War (and a little peace)

 As I expected the poems about war were extraordinary. Thank you all.

This from Desiree:
My mom lived through war.
She sat in the bomb shelter
with her doll, Frieda.

Dad in Viet Nam.
For R&R he wanted
to see wife and kids.

No M*A*S*H at our house.
Friends said it was weird, but folks
said, “war’s not funny”

From my dad:
Children and soldiers
usually think war is a
shitty idea

But they will always
have a sense of duty to
pick up arms when asked

I have watched the pain
in soldier's faces when the
TV declares WAR

They all put their hands
on their hearts but don't join
those celebrating

From Jill Scoggins (and, by the way, I often tell the story of George Washington mustering the militias to fight against the Whiskey Rebellion, and then leading them as President):
There would be many
fewer wars if those who start
them had to fight them.

And from Christine (with postscript):

Scars of war run deep
A burden carried alone
Things can't be unseen

I have a number of friends (past and present) who have served during wartime. WW2 (Europe, POW and in the Pacific, Vietnam and the various Gulf Wars.their reaction is similar - they do not speak of the atrocities they witnessed. Knowing this truth makes me weep inside for those who serve and those who are caught in the crossfires of war. While we can support them, we can never truly understand. Watching a sanitized newsreel and being there are two different experiences.

And, looking towards peace:

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