Thursday, February 17, 2022


PMT: The end (?) of the pandemic


Now that new COVID infections have crashed to "just" 130,000ish a day, people are looking to the end of the pandemic. But... slow down, cowboy!
It's probably too early to declare victory. After all, we have been there before, especially last summer before the Delta variant hit us hard. It could be that there is some new variant out there lying in wait, ready to discourage us all over again.
Or, maybe not. 
We are all very ready for this whole mess to end, certainly. I know I am. And it could be that the damn thing comes back at us hard and we just don't care anymore... and that is when it would get really bad.
The way nations get tired of war, I can see that we are tired of this fight. And that's when things can be most dangerous.

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