Friday, January 21, 2022


Haiku Friday: In the (bleak?) mid-winter


It's the heart of the season. Here in Minnesota, it gets below zero most days, and the snow on the ground has been there for weeks. For a surprising number of people, it is their favorite season, with bright clear days and (this week) a huge orange moon at night lighting up the snowscape.
How is your mid-winter going? Let's haiku about that this week. Here, I will go first:
There are no birds here
When the snow gets deep; They go
South for spring training.
Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Legging, boot, gloves, cap
and down filled coat OK but
be home for dinner

Bleak, cold, frozen, like
Voting rights legislation,
We need a thaw soon.
A dusting of snow
An icey gray sky coats the
Horizon; my mood
At this time of year
It doesn't quite matter your
Temperature gauge

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