Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Misc. on the web
"Professor Osler, there is some weird stuff about you on the web," one of my students asked me.
"Hmmm... like what?" I asked him.
"Well, one place says you are worth $206 million," he responded.
That's really not true at all (it is about $206 million off), but he was right that there is a site that claims exactly that-- and that I weigh 86 kg. It wasn't the only strange thing out there though.
Some of the sites were useful. This one, for example, compiled all the times I have appeared on a podcast (some of which I didn't remember). Another lists most (but not all) of the short-form pieces I have written, going back for years.
Others, not so much. If you believe several cites, my best known quote is this: "I'll beat you like a red-headed stepchild." I don't think I've ever said that, but there you go. In fact, it took me a while to figure out what that would even mean...