Monday, November 29, 2021



 Good work on the haiku, all! Lots of good work.

We got an entry from Sushma, one of my favorite people from law school:
Jeff’s mother is frail
But eats dinner like a champ.
Her kids surround her.

There was an anonymous entry promoting Covid booster shots (which I approve!):

Tuesday booster shot,
Wednesday aches and pains,
Thursday well and stuffed.
And Christine went with that theme:

Monday booster shot
Wednesday thought I was good
Thursday a migraine

Hence, no meal consumed
Friday, feeling much better
Cooking has commenced

Duck smoking outside
Aroma of apple pie
Permeates the house

Sipping French cognac
Giving our thanks a day late
Counting our blessings.
The Medievalist eschewed the turkey:
God, I hate turkey,
Thank you for sending the lamb,
Random red leaves fall.

As did Desiree, but for differen treasons (as one might expect from the Green Momster):

Apricot carrots,
brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes.
Sides are main event.

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