Sunday, September 05, 2021


Sunday Reflection: Texas?


Texas has a special place in my heart. I loved living there and learned to teach there. And places like Bookpeople in Austin-- awesome.
But right now I'm so glad that I left. Texas seems consumed by toxic politics that cuts against my principles to the core. Restricting voting? They are leading the country. Self-inflicted Covid disaster? They are doing it. And I realize that people have different opinions on abortion, but deputizing citizens against one another is a terrible idea. 
What bugs me most is this: So much of what is happening is just mean. It is designed to hurt people rather than help them. And that is so contrary to the central ethic of the faith so many people there embrace. How can they miss that? 
As I watch from afar, I'm sad.  
But I still love the place, and have my voice heard there. I have a piece in the Waco paper today (you can read it here) about principles, freedom, and vaccinations.

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