Tuesday, March 23, 2021



 So.... I went through a "Glee" phase about six years ago, where I binge-watched most of the show. How this started is a little murky-- I wasn't exactly a show choir type kid in any way, and I also wasn't that into television six years ago. But, a lot of the music was pretty good, and I started to identify with some of the characters, and there it went. 

Certainly, I was well aware of how awful some episodes were, and cringed along with the rest of America. But that didn't deter me.

One thing I probably found compelling was that certain aspects of the show represented how I wished high school (and much of life thereafter) had been, marked by fits of shocking tolerance and episodic acts of actually working together towards a common goal.

If you want to understand the good and the bad of Glee without the total commitment I had, I would suggest this summary:

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