Monday, March 01, 2021


A few poems about the moon

 I kinda thought people would dig right into this topic, but I was wrong! We did get three entries.

First, there was this one from my dad. I'm a little perplexed by it as a member of his family. Most of the time where we are all together and the moon is an attraction we are up at Osler Island, where there is no cell service and no one even bothers to bring their phone:

The moon winked at me
I wish that my family
were not on their phones.

Gavin was more upbeat:

You control the tides
You bring light, even romance.  
Not bad for a rock!

And Desiree was noting an interesting anomaly:

Blue moon. I saw you
Twice in one month. Shining bright,
lighting the new snow.

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