Sunday, February 28, 2021


Sunday Reflection: The End of Exile


I hear people using the phrase "when this is over..." a lot these days. It usually is tied to some kind of freedom we are now denied: the freedom to safely assemble as in the picture above, for one thing. "I just miss hugging" one dejected colleague who is doing spiritual advising over Zoom told me last week. 

And there is hope, right? Vaccines are out there-- though not enough-- and the numbers are going down. Many conversations center on exactly when people will be able to return to those things they miss most.

And I am one of them. I very much miss teaching people whose face I can see. Until masked teaching, I didn't realize how much communication is lost if we can't see facial expressions. I call on a student, and they sit more upright-- are they alarmed to be called on? Eager? Suddenly awake from slumber? I really can't tell. 

There is a lot in the Bible about exile. The Jews were exiled to Egypt, then to Babylonia. When they came back, there was a lot to sort out.

 I suspect the same will be true with us, with our inside-out exile (where we are exiled to home rather than cast out). We will fully re-enter a world that has changed to adapt to the exigencies of pandemic, and institutions that relied on the presence of people-- churches, restaurants, clubs-- many of them are diminished or gone. We will not have our familiars to go back to.

 There is a deep tragedy in that. But also great opportunity, to re-make our social institutions in better ways. We can rebuild churches to be more welcoming. We can create common spaces that are more humane and inclusive. We can re-imagine things like restaurants. And probably we will have to do all of these things if we are to thrive as social beings. 

 Are we up to it?

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