Monday, September 28, 2020
Treating ourselves... to haiku!
Lots of great poems on the ways we treat ourselves; here are some of my favorites.
Mary Senneka had this, which I really liked:
The sunshine is warm.
Pillows, afghan on the chaise
An afternoon nap.
And it is always good to hear from the Medievalist:
I’m making a smore,
Chocolate, gram-crackers and
A charred marshmallow.
My dad had an entry this week:
I hear the call to
dinner yet continue to
dab at the canvas
Jill Scoggins offered this:
Why go small with a
reward? Designer handbags
are best incentives.
While Desiree has an antidote to Zoom:
Staring at a screenTeaching bio to kids earns
me some new perfume!