Sunday, September 06, 2020


Sunday Reflection: The power of names


A few nights ago I had a dream in which Darth Vader appeared. However, rather that "Darth Vader," he was identified as "Belligerent Dave." I'm not quite sure where that came from.

At any rate "Belligerent Dave" was not quite as intimidating. "Fear the wrath of Belligerent Dave!" just seemed kind of funny. And, of course, Belligerent Dave was predictably belligerent.

Names have power. Some of us have to grow into them, while others grow out of them. Some are rejected by their owners, who come up with something different. But whatever their origin, they mark us.

There are some names that bring back such strong memories: the names of beloved teachers, or quiet heroes. I'm always moved at the Vietnam memorial in Washington when I see people examining the wall, looking for the name that they know. That is the connection between that long-lost person and this widow or grandchild or friend. 

I always thought it was remarkably powerful how Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter, and how Saul became Paul after his conversion. It represents a change of all within.

Now, of course, I won't be able to see an image of Darth Vader without thinking "Hey! It's Belligerent Dave!"

Quang-- noted!
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