Friday, April 24, 2020


Haiku Friday: Dumb things people say about the pandemic

So, there should be a lot of material for this one.

Here, I will go first:

Worker at Costco:
"Now we have to wear masks. Why?"
I have an answer.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula and have some fun!

They say that I am
doing a great job, I mean
Patio party
Sitting far from each other
At Oslers; such fun.
Confederate flag
And AK47
Dumb things to carry
A relative said,
"Just gargle with vinegar."
It was on Facebook.
What... I said that...What
I can not hear you...What...Turn
off the TV...What
Unsurprisingly, I offer a limerick.

The makers of Lysol and Clorox
Eschew their use as a detox,
By a serious brain quirk,
Dr. Trump thinks they’ll work,
And Dr. Birx cries out, “It’s a crox!”

Bonus points for the word "crox!"
As a recent and only semi-serious student of the limerick, I find that many of the best ones have a made up word or two. Often to make the rhyme, of course.
"Normal." "Go back to."
No, we are not going back
This will be normal.

"Over by Summer"
Maybe summer the next year
put away false hope
Paging Doctor Trump!
There's a call for you- line two.
It's the Lysol Corp.
Trump is really an inspirational guy, isn't he?
Shedding light inside,
Will cure it for sure he said,
All the germs laughed.

Stands with confidence
Spewing medical advice
Sarcasm my ass
To the Medievalist: I don't know if germs can laugh, but if they could . . .
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