Monday, January 20, 2020


What pets think!

Wow! What great haiku on an admittedly goofy subject. My personal favorite was this, from Gavin, because I thought it really caught the essence of working dogs (the only kind I really like, and I like them a lot):

She flushed the pheasant.
I shot and missed. It flew off.
She sat, glared at me.

Here is a familiar tale to many dog owners:

When I put on shoes
My dog starts levitating
"Going for a walk!"

And then we had this epic poem from Jill Scoggins:

Rain means Rusty poops
in the house. He has no guilt.
"I poop where I want!"

Storms mean Rusty shakes,
whimpers. He runs to us. "Don't
desert me hoo-mans!"

Wind means Rusty lets
the breeze blow in his face. "So
many smells to smell."

Sun means Rusty lies
in its warmth, stretching, sleeping.
"This is my purpose."

And Christine's tribute:

We begin a dance
Pre-dawn ritual
nudges me with nose

He murmurs - uhm, uhm,
Feigning sleep, roll to middle
of bed and settle

He snuggles along
my back, a gentle massage
our breathing in sync

My eyelids flutter
Change is sensed, he stares at me
An hour has past

I say morning Bear
he licks my face, eyes longing
Mom, time to feed me.

And this from Kitty:

Charlie loves the couch.
Riley used to lie there too.
They share a bed when they must.

And the Medievalist's contribution:

Unless it's herring,
Go away and let me sleep,
Sunshine in winter.

And finally, this from IPLawGuy (who may have too many pets):

Something is afoot
cats are getting suspicious
Great Dane on the way.

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