Wednesday, January 01, 2020


Happy New Year!

Oh, Heathcliff-- will you never learn? 

In this cartoon the vet seems, oddly, more interested in Heathcliff's weight than the fact that he is standing upright with his paws behind his back or that this cat apparently made an appointment himself and showed up alone. Also, doesn't his diploma seem a little sketchy?

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great and relaxing New Year's Day. My plan is to hang out at my parents house and watch football and scavenge food.  And, yes, I realize that makes me sound like a neer-do-well 23-year-old. 

But I'm not a neer-do-well (or 23)! I have interests! For example, Heathcliff. And Heathcliff offers up a good visual for how I will spend the day. Interestingly, this group bears a striking resemblance to my family:

Cats with cigars, eyepatches and hats
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