Sunday, November 24, 2019


Sunday Reflection: I want nothing

I'm still obsessing over the Trump notes repeating "I want nothing."

I know, I know-- he was quoting a message he sent out after the whistleblower surfaced, claiming that he wanted nothing from the Ukraine.

But the phrase itself actually has deep spiritual meaning. The denial of want is a part of many faiths, in different manifestations. I don't claim to know much about Buddhism, but the Buddha did teach that the cause of suffering is our attachment to a desire to want things. Within Christianity, Jesus repeatedly teaches a turning away from want and possession-- for example, when he tells the rich young ruler to give everything away, or tells the 70 to go into the countryside with nothing but the clothes on their backs. 

Could it be that "I want nothing"- repeated, then followed by "I want no quid pro quo"--is really the President calling out to himself to a sparer life, not dominated by desire, gilt, and gold?

Wouldn't that be amazing?

Fantasy, fairy tale, imagination run wild. Likelihood of zero.
I agree with Waco Friend: it would be pure fantasy for Trump to truly want nothing. But fantasy is a synonym for dream, and I believe in dreaming big.
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