Sunday, September 29, 2019


Sunday Reflection: Perfect

This week, President Trump described his call with the Ukrainian President as "perfect."

No, that wasn't the worst thing that happened this week, but it was telling in a way.

I've never heard a person of deep faith describe themselves or anything they did as "perfect." I think that faith--and the accompanying acknowledgement that there is something greater than yourself--makes it impossible to make that claim. Perfection can be an aspiration, an unreachable goal, but it will never be ours. Not even the smallest thing; there is an ideal, a form, a way, that is beyond what we are capable of.

In the end, I suppose that faith demands a certain humility-- a humbleness of heart that rests easy with the idea of our own imperfection.

I do know this: I don't want people to think I am perfect, or that what I do is perfect. I want them to know, to see, that I am broken and imperfect. Only then can love and grace enter in.

But, in the realm of politics right now, I don't think love and grace are what they are after. And that is the biggest problem of all.

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