Sunday, August 04, 2019


Sunday Reflection: A plan

Over the course of my career, I have been to prisons many times. As a prosecutor, I went there to take proffers on cases (that's when a prosecutor and agent meet with someone to get information that may be helpful in the prosecution of others, usually given in the hopes of a break on the cooperator's sentence). More recently, I have been to a number of federal prisons to meet my pro bono clients in clemency and other kinds of cases.

The experience is always striking. It is rare that we enter environments quite that controlled, and it takes some getting used to, even as a visitor. The gates slamming and the control room process is part of it, but only a small part. I'm often taken by how quiet it can be-- that is, when it is not very, very loud.

Over the years, I've given talks about clemency all over the place: at many universities, to local groups, at the White House (twice), and in the media. Never, though, have I given a talk to a group about clemency in a prison.

That is about to change. On the 22nd, I am going to do exactly that at a federal prison here in Minnesota. I'm told to expect about 100 people to be there. I'm excited.

In Matthew 25, when Jesus taught "when you visit those in prison, you visit me," if feels like that was directed straight at me. The directive of Christ completely transforms the project, of course: it makes it more real, and more important.

I can't wait to see how this goes.

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