Thursday, August 22, 2019


PMT: Greenland is not for sale

By now we are kind of used to headlines that sound like they are from the Onion, but this one is a doozy: Trump Scraps Trip to Denmark, as Greenland is Not for Sale.

It was kind of hard to tell if the Trump administration was joking or not about the whole Greenland thing-- after all, the President himself tweeted the above picture with the tagline "I promise not to do this to Greenland"--  but apparently they weren't.  Trump had been invited to visit by Denmark's queen, and a series of talks were scheduled for September 2 and 3. But... because the Danes wouldn't consider selling Greenland, Trump cancelled the trip.

The Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Fredrickson, had the same confusion. “Greenland is not for sale,” she told a Danish newspaper this week. “Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland. I strongly hope that this is not meant seriously.”

So... is this as weird as things will get?


I predict not. We still have almost 15 months till the election, and at least another 2 months after that. If Trump gets defeated, I bet the weirdness will be off the charts in those 2 months; could be pretty scary. . . Just can't imagine what the weirdness will be!

Weird would be okay; scary--like Trump refusing to leave -- would not.
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