Wednesday, January 02, 2019


Political fractures

In looking over year-end social media posts by people I know, I am surprised at how many people have noted a loss of relationships because of political differences. This did not happen in my own family (where we do have political difference among the people attending holidays) and I'm very glad for that.

There is something deeper and troubling, though. Many of the people I see reporting broken friendships and family relationships are those who do the most for others, and are alienated by the Fox News/Trump brand of politics. Given that many of those who hold to the Trump/Fox News line are those who are most in need. Will this further their poverty, if political toxicity pushes away those most willing and able to help them?

We seek harmony by trying to keep politics off the table during family gatherings. That said, my Mom always thinks it is 'CUTE' to stir the pot when I visit by mentioning that she doesn't know what she did wrong to raise a Democrat. She always does this with people who are strangers to me. Fortunately they generally don't take the bait and I usually swim away for a moment or two.

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