Wednesday, August 08, 2018


Poem 2

Now that I am back from Osler Island, I'm plopping down some of the poems I wrote up there. This is the second.


She circles the truth
Oceans pulsing with tides
Periodic, constant,
Eyes affixed, splendid,
Proof of God
To close observers,
Half in darkness
Half in light
As she follows up
Her point.
Her neighbor leans in
It is history, all of it
Grit and loam and
Desiccated limbs
And all that is and was,
Not in the book but
In this slow badinage,
Creator and Created
And the small boy, too,
One row over,
Circles the answer;
Verdant forests
Green like a wave.

Dang--you made me look up a word!

This is one I can see but not quite hear. I feel like a bit the small boy "one row over," although he has the answer and I do not.
Well... it is supposed to be about the Earth and the Moon. When you are out in the wilderness, those are important things. But... class is always hanging around in the background for me, too.
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