Monday, May 21, 2018


Graduation haiku from all over...

I know where some of these come from...

Amy's was from UVA:

Nineteen eighty-three
Walked the Lawn with Ralph Sampson
Family looked his way!

[not mine]

Desiree's was at William and Mary (we were in the same class):

Wearing the flat hat, 
Praying for just one small thing --
please say my name right.

CTL got two degrees, so it could have been Baylor or Penn:

Forgot how to walk
When they called my name. Awkward
Shuffle did the trick.

Gavin's was at... well, I was there, and I wasn't giving the speech!

Oh, please do sit down!
It’s hot, and your speech bores us. 
A party awaits!

Jill's is universal:

Grad flat hats give you
the worst of all conditions:
The scourge of hat hair!

And Kitty's is the one that matters most:

I never got there
But I'm grateful for my life
Without a flat hat!

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