Friday, November 10, 2017


Haiku Friday: Board Games!

With the holidays coming up, and all of the family gatherings that come with them, some of us start to think about board games. After all, it's the one thing that can keep some people from talking about politics! I'm not embarrassed to admit I'm totally intrigued by the new Harry Potter version of Clue, which combines two things I'm lukewarm about but somehow makes so much sense I am dying to see it.

So let's haiku about board games this week: The good games, the bad ones, the people who cheat, the pieces that got lost. C'mon... I know you have a story.

Here, I will go first:

We asked for "Blarf"
Throw cards around and yell "Blarf!!"
Loud, confusing, great.

Now it is your turn... just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun!

Sub on space b-2
My bro will never find it!
Until he did. Boom.
Where's my battleship?
I'm not telling you anything,
Find it for yourself.
Sultry Miss Scarlet
Elegant lead pipe weapon
Best room: library!
Played with Pammie J
In her backyard one summer
The London Game
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