Friday, September 01, 2017


Haiku Friday: First taste of fall

Last night, I walked out to the grill and lit it up. Usually I sit nearby and read the paper as the grill warms up, but it was a little chilly. I went in and put on a sweatshirt, came back out and thought "here we go."

Fall edges up to us on cat feet. You don't hear it, but then it is there. Let's haiku about this gentle season-- anything about it.

Here, I will go first:

It went so quickly
Ripe tomatoes and sweet corn
I will soak it in.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable formula and have some fun!

Summer heat slaps you.
Winter cold bites with sharp fangs.
But fall softly nips.
Its Summer Dammit!
Wait for Autumn Equinox
Before you say "Fall"
New Hampshire colors.
What will Montana show us?
Change is in the air.
Seems belated response to Thursday's article on Harvey, please. Interested in comments and ideas.

A few stray leaves lay
Scattered about by feet,
Autumn strikes again.
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