Friday, May 05, 2017


Haiku Friday: The Rain

This is the time of year where you might wake up to sunshine or rain, and either way it is beautiful. Spring is like that.

It's simple, sure, but let's haiku about the rain today-- the way it is wherever you live, or however you remember it, or however you hope to see and feel and hear it.

Here, I will go first:

In Williamsburg,Virginia
May's rain was languid.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable schedule, and have some fun!

It is not so bad
If you have the right boots on
If so, forge ahead!
I smell the wet earth,
Thunder rumbles far away,
Drops fall on my head.
Portland Oregon
Its where they invented rain.
It rains sideways here.

Thunder or lightning
I much prefer rain to snow.
Best Climate Ever
Raindrops break the glass.
A scaly carp swims idly.
River in the street.
Misty morning here
My daughter's smile is so big
Pearls of sweat beading
Down the back of my neck, cool
Glist’ning in the sun.

Now: Oaks. Tomorrow:
Derby. Weather: Thunderstorms.
Calling all mudders.

Retired horseracing
reporter husband shows me
how to read the form.

"See that? It shows track
conditions in horse's past.
That's the way you tell."

A mys'try unlocked.
Info understood at last.
Hint: sly is sloppy.
Pretty wore two charms--
Moonstone imposing size,'bove
Necklace of small clear stones

Rain it was raining
Yes,From the heart of the moon.
Shimmer your beauty.
Moving from Denver,
Ah, 300 sun days there!
Here - 300 - rain :-(
They call them “soft” days.
Moisture fills the Irish air
Encompassing all.

Dad, Grandpa, and me
Watch the prairie sky turn black
From the west it comes

Hot day turns cool fast
In the distance thunder rolls
Wheat sways in the wind

The first drops fall hard
Fat, wet bombs crater the dust
No more work today.
Walking in the rain
the smell of earth releases
dust is settling

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