Monday, July 04, 2016


Her topic was better than mine...

Last friday, Jill Scoggins chose to go off-topic and haiku about Pat Summitt:

A she-ro to me.
Made playing “like a girl” mean
like just playing.

A champion among
champions. The game was
the thing, not winning.

But win she did. Teams
of bright faces, ponytails
bobbing on the court.

A teacher, she taught
us that fierce competition
can be female.

A she-ro to all.
Forever a winner She's
the Summitt always.

She was right to do so-- and Summitt was the kind of American hero that makes me thankful every 4th of July.

Wonderful tribute, Jill!
Thanks. I don't like people who go off topic myself - but I was compelled. :-)

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