Saturday, December 26, 2015


Boxing Day

When I was a kid, I thought that "Boxing Day" was about kangaroos fighting each other. I'm not sure where this came from-- probably it combined the kinda-true idea that it was an Australian holiday and the sense that boxing was a sort of fighting.

Here in the U.S., many people have the day off, just because it is the day after Christmas. The British idea of "Boxing Day" has never caught on, but it's a good idea to have some holiday on the day after Christmas.

Boxing Day is the day off [to celebrate Christmas] for those who had to serve the roast at Christmas.
And if you were served the roast at Christmas...on Boxing Day you pack the leftover food, re-box the stuff you don't really need and take it all to your local charity. Then you come back home to digest that food you overate the day before by watching soccer or go out for a fox hunt or something.
On a different note and back here and now...hope you all had a Very Merry Christmas!
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