Tuesday, November 24, 2015


A Parental Blessing for Thanksgiving

Over at his own blog, my dad posted a great reflection and this remarkable photo in honor of Thanksgiving. It is my favorite of the holidays, and my dad lays out part of the reason why:

The blessing of the harvest happens around the world signaling that the growing season is over and one should think about hunkering down for the winter. I always start the holiday season by thanking whoever it was that decided to have us celebrate Thanksgiving on a Thursday, guaranteeing us a four day holiday. One smart cookie. This gives us three days to recover, to visit with family and to renew old friendships.

Thanksgiving  is a straightforward name for a holiday.  It is a command and an opportunity. We are given this day to be with our family or friends and to express our appreciation for our good fortune. I am always comforted and I am truly thankful when I look around after dinner and see a well fed family warmed by good feelings for one another.

I just might read this out word for word on Thursday. Thanks Mark and Mr O.
Mr S Walleye
Thanks, we wish we were there in Minnesota with all you guys for one huge warm gathering
where we could hear your patented guffaws at the dinner table.
Peace be with you and your family.
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