Sunday, September 06, 2015


Sunday Reflection: Dusk

My favorite time of day is dusk; it always has been. As a kid, it was magical to ride my bike down Colonial Road in the fading light, over long shadows on the pavement. Now, I stop on the little bridge over Minnehaha Creek and feel that same small joy inside.

Why?  I suspect that there is a mysterious appeal to dusk that is like the way we are drawn to the beach.  It is a boundary, a border, between the known (the land, the day) and the unknown (the water, the night).  We move from the familiar and safe to the dangerous, and there is this realm of beauty and truth in the interstices.  

The world is designed this way. It isn't static; it moves, and carries us ceaselessly, inexorably between the known and the unknown, the light and the shadow. Dusk is that thrilling moment when we see the creation in full, a creation that does not stay the same or allow us to remain unmoved. 

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