Wednesday, August 12, 2015



Man, does anyone know what Hillary Clinton has been up to? Because if she has done or said anything, I sure haven't heard about it. The tumult of the Republican primary has taken over the media. I know some think this is a disaster, but really it is great to see the debate even if it is driven by the Trump candidacy.

Ron Fournier had some great insights, in a piece titled Trump is a Buffoon. His Backers are Not:

Voter anxiety runs broad and deep, and, unlike in past eras of populist unrest, people are radically connected via the Internet—their anger magnified and easily exploited by agents of change. Forces that disrupted the music, retail, financial, and media industries will eventually bring radical change to politics. It's only a matter of time and a question of outcome: Will that change be a force for good or a force for bad?

And in the Waco Tribune Herald, I found this interesting nugget:

It’s been lively since last week’s Republican presidential debate. The dust-up between Fox News’ debate panelist and pundit Megyn Kelly over her questioning of anti-establishment candidate Donald Trump, followed by comments by Trump that some interpreted as referring to her menstrual cycle, were good enough for Erick Erickson, leader of the annual, decidedly right-wing Red State Gathering in Atlanta, to disinvite Trump and instead invite Kelly in his place. Few expected what happened next: Conservatives rallied around Trump and vehemently condemned both Erickson and Kelly. Here’s a sampling of the hundreds of angry Facebook posts from the Red State’s own page. For the record, we found very few rising to the defense of Kelly and Erickson:

Eve Grossi: Whether anyone is a fan of Trump, one must admit Megyn Kelly had a personal agenda that night. It was to make Trump fall.

Kevin Carr: So much for Fox being fair and balanced! The moderators had an agenda! Trump will probably go third party now and so will I. Trump for POTUS!

Let's don't sell Hillary short. She is still finding ways to break through and make news:
WF-- I think Ron Fournier played a big role in pressing her to do that… but why did it take so long for them to do it?
Mark. I agree. As for the "whys?" the Clintons have always been something of a mystery to me--and a mix of emotions including admiration, disappointment, and incredulity. As for these current imbroglios, I am basically agnostic.

FTR: Fournier filed this piece later in the day yesterday after I posted the National Journal piece above. As always with him it is well worth reading and considering:
I will say this: the traveling reality show that is the Donald Trump candidacy (on a limited run but now playing on a television screen near you) is one thing. If, indeed, the stone wall of the quarter-century Clinton project really is crumbling, now that is a news story! Not sure it really is (still less likely than likely)--but it is near enough a reality that there is a collective quickened pulse in the inside-world of Democratic Party politics.
Trump is crazy... like a fox. Controversy is his friend. It's kind of like ISIS. He knows running a normal campaign won't work. The thing he has to worry about is knocking off too many of the other GOP candidates too soon. If it comes down to just 3 or 4 by New Hampshire, then Trump is gone. But if it's still a clown car at that point, he could start winning delegates.

As for Hillary, I have long thought a decent candidate with charisma and a message could inspire "the left" just as Obama did in 2008. Bernie was not the person I expected to do this, but its happening. She's a deep trouble politically. Whether she's in LBJ in 68 type trouble or Mondale in 1984 remains to be seen. In the latter case, Hart stood for nothing, so Mondale beat him back. Bernie is no RFK, but he's smarter than Eugene McCarthy. The fact that Bernie was a Mayor and a Governor means that he actually understands what it means to be an executive. And I think that will make his run a LOT longer than some suspect.

Turning to the email news story, though, right now it's still inside baseball. The thing is, with the Clintons, there's ALWAYS more.....Not necessarily about emails and classified info, just some other stupid "scandal" that should have been avoided if they weren't so aggressively arrogant and secretive.
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