Friday, August 07, 2015


Haiku Friday: Your dream car!

Happy Friday! Friday means the weekend, and the weekend means free time, and free time means daydreaming, and (for many of us) daydreaming involves cars. 

What's your dream car? Let's haiku about that this week. Here, I'll go first:

Just once, I would drive
A gigantic green dump truck;
Help my buddy move.

Now it is your turn! Make it five syllables for the first line, seven for the second, and five for the third...

Plymouth Barracuda with
Hemi and Ragtop
Not a green Vega,
As slow as a dead turtle,
Not a babe magnet.
Saw the birth of my dream car:
Plymouth Voyager!
She is a blood red
Rose between the teeth of fate.
Sins unforgiven

A two-timing Bomb-
Shell you can't let go,knowing
The Truth.Solara.

Julie Newmar to Your
Martin Milner lost in the
Desert somewhere Route 66

Corvette is our Mama
We.feast off the smoke and fumes
Agenda: Thrills


Discard green of a vintner
Top off to the elements.Bold Datsun:
Dad's scourge. I had not.

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