Thursday, August 06, 2015


Debate Update!

A few quick observations:

1) Fox News won-- good tough questions to each candidate.

2) Sadly, they did not cover clemency. Or criminal law at all. Or the environment. Or gun policy.

3) Kasich was nervous but good. Trump did what he does (as I expected). Christie really drew a bad spot to be shown in profile the whole timeā€¦

A friend of mine ran a contest... pick a character from "Animal House" for each GOP candidate.

For instance, I suggested Jeb as Hoover, "Give use ONE more chance!"

For IPLG: Calling Bluto is too mean. Rubio as Otter?

For Mark. Winners: Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz, & Christie (nice finish for Carson). Underperformers: Walker & Trump. Losers: Paul and Megyn Kelly (Sean Hannity in a dress).
I thought Kelly was good, and Paul made good points in the dust-up with Christie. Bush did not seem strong to me, but what do I know?

If we are going Animal House on this, I would say Walker = Dean Wormer.
Mark. The conventional wisdom is with you on Bush. He certainly offered no flash or sizzle. Nevertheless, I thought he did very well. He continues to sound like the person most qualified to be the next president of the United States. And I thought he gained strength as the night progressed. He continues to position himself sagaciously for the long haul. Of course, in the end, while I think he would clearly make the best president, he is also the worst candidate in the sense that he gives away the best 2016 GOP advantage: a palpable popular dissatisfaction with the status quo. His self-assessment was exactly right: while no one has his advantages, neither does anyone have his particular barrier.

As for Paul and Kelly, they were exactly opposite of what they needed to be. Paul continues to win the hearts of voters who will never vote for him and Kelly (in primetime Fox News fashion) always makes herself the center of the show.
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