Friday, July 03, 2015


Haiku Friday: Food of the 4th!

Hey! It's time for a great holiday: Independence Day. This is one of my favorites.

Like all great American holidays, it has classic food that will always be associated with mid-summer. Good stuff you can eat with your hands or cook on a grill-- a treat for all of the senses.

When I lived in Texas, I loved getting breakfast tacos from Rudy's for the morning of 4th of July.  I'm not sure why; it's one of those personal traditions whose origins are lost in the mists of time (or something like that).

Let's haiku about the food of the season! I will go first:

Eggs? yes. Bacon? yes.
Chorizo? yes. Cheese? yes, please!
Warm pocket of yum.

Now it is your turn! Just make it five syllables for the first line, seven for the second, five for the third, and make sure it is in Spanish! Wait, no, it doesn't have to be in Spanish, but it's ok if it is. I'll figure it out.

My grill is broken.
I tried to move it by truck.
It fell off. So sad.
Independence Day
Mojitos! Fireworks for brain.
Plus, they're nice and cold.
All the juices from
buttered corn and plump burgers
end up on my chin
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