Friday, March 13, 2015


Haiku Friday: The Commercial You Can't Forget

I may be the only American who still refers to Mason Reese now and then, but I'm not ashamed.  His commercials were burned into my consciousness at a very young age.  His commercials were… well, pretty unforgettable.  Today, let's haiku about the commercials we can't forget, new or old.

I will go first:

Mason Reese loved
His Underwood's Deviled Ham
(Whatever that was).

Now it is your turn!  Just make if 5 syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and 5 in the third...

Still sing this jingle:
I am stuck on band aid 'cause
Band aid's stuck on me!
That Mr. Whipple...
Ladies, don't squeeze the Charmin
Now in ultra soft
That sneaky rabbit!
Children always foiled his plot
Ha! Trix are for kids!
Small green leprauchan
Hearts, moons, stars, clovers, diamonds
Marshmallow breakfast!
M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow
M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, M'ow
M'ow, M'ow, M'ow, Meow...
Did you know that Barry Manilow was a famous jingle writer before making it big as a singer?
"There's something about
an Aqua Velva Man."S What?
They never told us.
Cartoon Dad snores
Cowboy Kid in crunched hat slurs,
"D'you like Maypo?"
He She move to other--
A field of wildflowers slow motion
Pulled by shampoo? C'mon!
Rugrat shills,we love 'em.
Poor Mikey doomed guinea pig
For LIFE. Damned kids.Eat Eggs.

Folgers. Good to the
Last drop. Really? Pre-staled
Black umbrella juice.
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