Monday, February 23, 2015


Ciao, Chow!

There were some great haikus about Italian food last Friday!  It isn't often that an anonymous post strikes me as great, but this one was:

Gnocchi has my heart
Firm on the outside, pillow
Of delight inside.

If nothing else, the phrase "gnocchi has my heart" is a winner.  I love that.  Meanwhile, in the long-form category, it is hard to beat this masterpiece by Jill Scoggins:
Stepmom’s spaghetti:
Flavors perfectly balanced.
Baseball-sized meatballs.

“Don’t use lean ground beef,”
she says. “More fat is better.”
Her mom’s recipe.

Handed down from mom
to daughter through the years. Or
to daughters-in-law.

(Men don’t cook in this
family) Time-tested. No
need to improvise.

Piles of al dente
pasta mix with sauce so light,
so good, so perfect.

Served as a side dish
on Sundays after church with
fried chicken or roast.

I’ll never enjoy
any other near as much.

Meanwhile, in the not-vegetarian-today category, we had this from Desiree:

Italian sausage,
Peppers, onions on a bun

Italian soul food.

And what made me most hungry?  Antonia Promessa:

My love for him? His
Carbonara,bacon and
Cheese married egg so

Exquisitely that
When you tasted it you closed
Your eyes.Pleasure flowed

Like the blood of a
Satisfied cat from tongue to
Talon. Sated, stretched...bed.

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