Thursday, July 31, 2014


Political Mayhem Thursday: Looking around the corner

I'm not really looking forward to the next presidential election.  Some good thinkers have convinced me that the importance of that race is over-valued:  In the end, the people in the Congress matter just as much, and in terms of anyone's daily life it may be local officials who make the most difference.

Still, it hard to imagine 2016's election:

1)  People seem to assume that Hilary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee, but I hear little real enthusiasm for that.  People are tired of Clintons and Bushes.  That might make her support wide but shallow.

2)  But, if not Hillary, then who?  There doesn't seem to be a strong candidate out there.

3)  On the Republican side, it seems like anyone who wants the nomination faces a tough road.

What is your early impression?

If Elizabeth Warren runs, I’ll vote for her.
Whatever took Bill Richardson out of the running the last time? I always thought he'd be a good D candidate.
Richardson's been a naughty boy in his personal life
I'm so tired of politics that no one will look good. They all carry flaws and baggage. I always like Bill Richardson and I like Elizabeth Warren a lot. Tired of Clinton's and Bushes.

Apparently Fox news thinks rehashing the Bill Clinton years is more important than the various tragedies occurring in the world. As the other news agency's were busy covering Israel and the Gaza crisis and the continuing mess in Ukraine (channel flipping) all they could talk about with Clinton and bin Laden.
I think that women are anxious for a woman president 0f USA. There is Clinton and Bush fatigue so that will work again Hillary but she may be able to surmount that. There has been a lot of talk about Elizabeth Warren lately but I do not know enough about her yet.
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