Wednesday, July 16, 2014


My Superhero

I have officially picked a favorite super-hero:  Patient Bear.

The character, pictured above, appeared on a placemat post on the wall at Michaelangelo's Pizza in Minneapolis a few years ago.  The artist, probably, was a bored child.  The medium was definitely crayon.

But since I first saw it, the character of Patient Bear, sitting at his picnic table waiting for his pizza, has inspired me.  Patience is a virtue that can save people from all kinds of bad things, and it is something that I am challenged by-- I want things to happen now!   But, as history has proven over and over, patience is powerful.

We don't know much about patient bear, other than the obvious.  He likes pizza, apparently, which is unusual for a bear.  Plus, he has a picnic table-- also unusual.  Mostly, though, he is willing to wait in the sun, his paws carefully folded, until his pizza is done, rather than mauling the slowpokes in the kitchen or making a fuss.

Now, more often than you might think, I mutter to myself "Patient Bear waits patiently for his pizza," and it helps.  In my book, that's a pretty good super-hero.

I am a total failure as patience bear. I definitely need to work on this because I frequently get myself in trouble just because I can't wait for a few minutes to get something done. A total failure on my part. *sigh*
I think my patience improved with age and with my ability to better assess my surroundings. I’m a lot more patient with all that I cannot control and I’m a lot more patient with fools because they cannot control themselves (even though I’m told this claim can be debated). I try to avoid instant gratification because it numbs, which brings me to patient bear…he is obviously onto something. Some smart person said patience is bitter, but its fruit sweet or in the case of patient bear, cheesy good.
He's waiting for his pizza so he can eat the server

Now that is patience.
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