Friday, May 09, 2014


Haiku Friday: Old TV shows...

You know you want to wallow in that nostalgia one more week... so let's indulge.  Pick any old TV show you want, so long as you either loved or hated it enough to care.

Here, I will go first:

Harry Nilsson sang,
California looked great;
Tale of a good dad.

Now it is your turn!  Just make it five syllables for the first line, then seven, then five...

Alice, Uber-Maid
Why did that Bunch need a maid?
Secret Soviet Spy.
T.V in basement
"T.V rots the mind," said Ben
Dad worked a lot: kids watched.

Best T.V themed toy
Talking Mrs. Beasley doll
Brothers tortured her.
Sergeant Esterhaus:
Hey, let's be careful out there
Roll call on Hill Street

This is the big one!
I'm comin' home to Georgia!
Sanford & Son rules.
Dale Cooper solves it
David Duchovny in drag
Nadine's drape runners

and from Dennis Miller:
The umbrella drinks
The Master of Sassy Jive
Isaac rules the waves
Two Greek gods drive Route
66 in Cool Corvettes.
Meet and lose true loves.

Sex flutter at
Thirteen watching the sun glint
Off Little Joe's smile.

Inside her bottle
Purple couch, satin pillows
Looked so glamorous!
Welcome back, Kotter,
Up your nose with a rubber
Hose, you Sweathogs, you.

Theme song plays, ears perk
A moose walks across the screen
Foster follows him
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