Saturday, March 01, 2014


Caiaphus and Associate

Last Sunday, we tried Jesus in Tucson, Arizona, at Grace-St. Paul's Episcopal Church.  One of the great pleasures of the trip was getting to persecute (er, prosecute) Jesus with my old student, Gordon Davenport, as co-counsel.  Gordon is a federal prosecutor now, and a darn good one.  He still has a pretty healthy appetite, though.

We lost, though.  I think my problem is jury selection... every time we try this defendant in a church, it's like the jury totally worships the guy!  Maybe we need a change of venue...

Seek one of the settings where the film 'Master and Margarita' (2005) a Menippean film based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov was filmed - Set in Moscow under Stalin and in Jerusalem under Pilate. the film's irreverance may take the 'shine off of' the defendant. . .
Oh, we already do that in the trial!
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