Sunday, February 23, 2014


Sunday Reflection: God's Polar Vortex

It has been quite a winter in Minnesota.  On Thursday night, we got another foot of snow, which means there is about four to five feet in parts of my yard now.  This week, there was a brief warm-up right before that snow, which started out wet and heavy.  Then the temperatures plunged as the snow continued.  The melty stuff on the street froze, and then the falling snow created a glide plane on top of that.

Minnesotans know how to drive in snow-- slowly-- and there is something elegant about a freeway where everyone is going 15 miles per hour despite a lack of congestion.  It's just what you have to do.

There is such beauty in it, of course.  The light is dazzling, and the lines of white are unbroken.  But in another equally valid way it is driving people berserk.  It is going to be -17 again this week, and that is... well, it is really really cold.

It might all be part of our doing, I suppose, the result of climate change and the extremes of weather that come with that.  People who know the science of it think so, and I believe them.

But in a more embracing way, it is still all God's.  We are his creation, the part of it that can make mistakes, mess things up, hurt each other, and then make it all better if we so choose.

please post of photo of all the snow in your backyard. Having a hard time with the volume.

This is lovely. Especially the idea that we can possibly right the wrongs. I imagine each of us would welcome the opportunity. I know I would. There is strength in knowing we are better than our past. We just need to do it. Of course, it requires humility and acceptance.
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