Tuesday, February 25, 2014


More Adventures in North Korea!

In my monthly troll around the internet looking for information about North Korea, I found this fascinating promotional video for a North Korean Department store:

Certainly, there is a lot to hold one's attention here, but my favorite curiosity was the saran-wrapped American Hillbilly Kid which appears at about 1:21 of the video.  I can't say that the fashions were to my taste, but I suppose there are those who love it.

If you want even more, check out North Korean fast food!  It features unbelievably intricate ordering processes (including lots of handwritten notes), a lot of empty space, and (at about 3:35), an incredibly healthy looking set of ingredients for fast food!

I once took a course on designing training courses and rule #1 was -- never use video to show things that don't move.

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