Monday, February 10, 2014


I can't decide!

[Yeah, I don't know why this photo of Joe Biden taken from the Onion might fit this post, but I just wanted to run it, because I love it so much]

There were so many great winter haikus on Friday-- check them all out here.  Some are sensual, some are sensible, and it sounds like even Sally and Geoffrey are in good moods about it.

Which did you like the best?

I was enlightened by all the haiku's this past week. Especially liked the Valentine's truce between Geoffrey and Sally.

I like the first one by "Anonymous" (MMM?) best (although there is much to recommend so many of them.) It is plain spoken and rings true.

A double?triple?quadruple?-edged phrase that struck me was from the Medievalist --
"Frost covers my head..."

Jazzbo has some good things happening, although the beat was off a little and who is speaking -- hare, cardinal, squirrel or Jazzbo? Can be worked into excellence.
I like how opinionated ANONYMOUS is.
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