Monday, January 06, 2014


Ouch, Sally!

Did the rest of you catch this haiku exchange?

Geoffrey Mustang Boy said...
I resolved to look
Only at Sally and not...
"Hel-lo Miss Bum Divine!"
2:21 PM
Anonymous Mustang's Former Sally said...
Listen Osler--Geoff sucks!

I resolve to be
A Persian rug and approve
Whatever Geoff does! Not!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll show him divine
Bum with my gum boots up it
Kicking swiftly home.

Thanks a lot,Osler...did I FINALLY win?!! But really that IP LAW GUY had a real cool haiku...any time a guy has "bitchin' Camaro" in a haiku,he wins,in my book,but it's not my blog. Plus I LAW GUY is totally hot. Listen Osler--if you were eating dinner at Perkins and your Significant Sasquatch,Broomhilda,cast her roving eye at some guy's derrière (yes,I speak French),you wouldn't be a happy camper either!
Hey, Sally…you forgot “Geoff sucks!” Anyway I have to say that by the looks of it your love story, albeit unconventional, is truly inspirational. And if I may add, don’t worry about roving eyes! After all looking is fine, it only goes to prove the profound adage “I’m not dead yet!” …that IPLawGuy must be onto something.
Listen Marta--Geoff sucks. It's one thing to have a roving eye,as you so delicately put it,and another to have a little guy named Peter as your constant companion,who is only too eager to act on it!!! I've caught him in flagranty delicious on more than one occasion. I'd have better luck dating you! At least I'd get an interesting discussion out of the deal. And you look cute in your picture! Now where did I put those gum boots...oh yeah...Under the bed.
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