Monday, July 08, 2013


The long and short....

The long, from David Best:

June Seven, 76’
in Independence Hall.
Richard Henry Lee

made the audacious
call: Resolved, [we] ought to be,
free and independent States.”

“It is rebellion”
The King of England said
“Take all the ships.”

Ties were severed
one by one, as war began
to brew. Common Sense

is what they called, the
fall from grace, of George
and his belligerent states.

But politics takes
time, and some had thoughts of peace.
Recess Congress called.

While five began to write.
Adams, Sherman, Franklin,
Livingston, each played

a role, but Thomas
dipped the quill, and it is this
that he began write:

“When in the course of
human events, it becomes

to break the bonds that tie.

Then that immortal
line, “All men are created equal.”
With Rights, and Life and Liberty

And the pursuit of happiness.

The short, from Christine:

Sun sinking, sky blush,
Backdrop, flares launch, explode, ahhh....
For miles upon end.

David - fantastic!
No Christine, Yours was fantastic! Shorter is often better. It is only because I can't reduce my thoughts to something short and pithy that I go on and on.

Also, a notion that should be dispellped is any thought that I know this stuff off the top of my head, the History I mean. I don't take too long, maybe an hour at most for something this long, but I am definately indebted to google, and in this case, this short history published by the national archives.
But David you took the time to construct something meaningful and poignant to the holiday
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