Monday, June 10, 2013


Good trees, and strong

Last week we got hilarity from Mustang's Former Sally and her (ex) beau, and also this from David Best, which I love:

by the side of the
sea she stood, broken, leafless,
surviving what had come.

while to her left lay
what was left, the house failed to

her trunk, her arm, both
pointed to the north not a
leaf or branch in sight.

she alone had stood
katrina's awesome might
mississippi shore.

And then, also, this pearl from Lily of the Valley, who is deep into wedding season:

Lily of the Valley said...
They were guardian oaks
Brothers who lifted their limbs
To bless her as married.

They saw the bride,a
Baby girl in her walker
Try to escape auntie

Saw her grow lively
Play her violin,walk in
House of joy and tiptoes.

She went to New York
Without them and the oaks prayed.
She met a man from Trinidad

They were black and white
And fit together yin and yang
They stumbled,then righted.

Today they pledged,to
Never do without the other.
Oaks themselves watched by God.

So may others, too!  Go back and check them all out...

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